Welcome Everybody,
I would like to introduce my littel dauther Victoria.
Victoria was born on 26th March 2014 at 1:19 PM with 2,3kg weight. After birth she was taken to the Upper Silesian Children’s Health Center in Katowice-Ligota due to occlusion of the small intestine.
As it turned out during the surgery performed in the first days of Victorias life, her small intestine was not occluded, but completely DEAD therefore it has been entirety removed.
Currently Victoria is on total parenteral nutrition (TPN), but this situation may develop serious complications related to TPN (e.g. infections caused by venous catheter to the central veins).
The only chance to Victoria for normal life is transplantation of the small intestine. Victoria is a ward of the “Zdazyc z Pomoca” Foundation, which is helping us to collect the money necessery for expensive medical care and for future transplantation.
Please help us in gathering the money for Viktoria transplantation.
For All Your Help Thank You in advance from Victoria, her Parents and her brother Jacob.